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ude。 Thou mayest conceal it; too; from the ministers andmagistrates; even as thou didst this day; when they sought to wrenchthe name out of thy heart; and give thee a partner on thy pedestal。But; as for me; I e to the inquest with other senses than theypossess。 I shall seek this man; as I have sought truth in books; asI have sought gold in alchemy。 There is a sympathy that will make meconscious of him。 I shall see him tremble。 I shall feel myselfshudder; suddenly and unawares。 Sooner or later; he must needs bemine!〃 The eyes of the wrinkled scholar glowed so intensely upon her;that Hester Prynne clasped her hands over her heart; dreading lesthe should read the secret there at once。 〃Thou wilt not reveal his name? Not the less he is mine;〃 resumedhe; with a look of confidence; as if destiny were at one with him。 〃Hebears no letter of infamy wrought into his garment; as thou dost;but I shall read it on his heart。 Yet fear not for him! Think not thatI shall interfere with Heaven's own method of retribution; or; to myown loss; betray him to the gripe of human law。 Neither do thouimagine that I shall contrive aught against his life; no; noragainst his fame; if; as I judge; he be a man of fair repute。 Lethim live! Let him hide himself in outward honour; if he may! Not theless he shall be mine!〃 〃Thy acts are like mercy;〃 said Hester; bewildered and appalled。〃But thy words interpret thee as a terror!〃 〃One thing; thou that wast my wife; I would enjoin upon thee;〃continued th











